If you have any photographs of cats that you feel should be included on this page please contact our webmaster who is eagerly awaiting your photographs. Their bright blue eyes are also a nod to their Siamese ancestry. The result is a beautiful feline with a long, silky, Persian-like coat and Siamese-like pointed coloring on the ears, tail, face, and paws. We have some rare photographs of some fantastic cats but we would very much like to extend the gallery. Himalayan cats, also known as 'Himmies,' are a hybrid breed of Persian and Siamese cats first developed in the United States. This gallery has been put together with the help of many of our breeders and judges and Siamese Cat Breeder would very much like to thank them all for their contributions. While the breed's genetic roots are ultimately in Thailand, it was formally developed in the US by a number of New York area cat breeders, led by Vicky and Peter Markstein (PetMark cattery), who in 1971-72 were intrigued by lynx patterned and solid colored cats of a Siamese body type at Angela Sayers' Solitaire Cattery 2 and at Patricia White'. We hope you enjoy our gallery as much as we enjoyed putting it together. We have some fantastic cats from the past who we may find at the back or perhaps just a little further back on our pedigrees and we also have some cats that many of us will still find at the front of our pedigrees. This will be a trip down ‘memory lane’ for some of our more seasoned breeders and a real eye opener for our novice breeders. Our Siamese cat gallery below is a selection of Siamese pictures of many fantastic Siamese cats that are found behind many of the show and breeding cats of today. Other stories tell of the tails of Siamese cats being used as ring holders by the Royal Princesses and that is how the kinks arrived. This caused the cat to become cross eyed and have a permanent tail kink and is passed on though its descendants. The one who was left was so scared of losing the goblet it stared at it and wrapped its tail around the base tightly. When they found it one was left to look after it while the other returned to tell the king of its whereabouts. The story goes that two Siamese were sent to find a goblet belonging to a King. Legends tell of the way the Siamese became cross eyed with kinked tails (now considered a show fault which breeders try to eradicate but this is not a health issue). The Siamese breed originated in Thailand, formerly known as Siam.

It is believed that the cats belonged to the Royal Family of Siam and were used as guards of the ancient temples. The history and origin of Flame Point Siamese cats are closely tied to their Siamese ancestors. This article gives a very brief over view of the breed and some of its history with many wonderful pictures of these beautiful cats. Their exact origin is not known however they are thought to have come from Siam now known as Thailand. Siamese are one of the most well known and popular breeds of cat across the world.